25. & 26.3. Amsterdam & Emmen

Itโ€™s touring season. This time we are going north, to the Netherlands, Germany, and Poland. First up: Amsterdam.

Walking up to one of the massive ADM buildings

Walking up to one of the massive ADM buildings

We hit the road from Kranj at 2 am on Friday and arrived at ADM Squat in Amsterdam 17 hours later. Direct squat to squat transfer. Only their squat is way more massive than any squat in Slovenia. It is a whole village that sprung up outside the city, living off the grid.

This is going to be a tour of squats for us, which is cool, because we like squats ๐Ÿ˜€


a building occupied by people living in it without the legal right to do so.

Squats often host alternative cultural events… like Raggae concerts.

They are places that defy modern consumer logic. The people there think differently than most. This is what makes them special.

waking up in ADM

waking up in ADM

We werenโ€™t playing there on Friday, just spending the night. We got fed a much-needed dinner, hung out a while and listened to the bands that were playing there that night, then sleep.

Driving for 17 hours is a helluva thing.

On Saturday we were well rested and ready for some sightseeing. We took the free ferry into Amsterdam Central Station and off to the canals. Jah gave us his blessings in the form of a nice sunny day. Thatโ€™s not something you take for granted in Amsterdam ๐Ÿ˜€

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Soon we were off to Emmen to play our first show of the tour. No more tourism for us ๐Ÿ™‚

The squat we played at in Emmen is a small one, like the town itself. It has a really nice vibe to it though, and we met some interesting people. They donโ€™t like appearing online, so no photos. Except for this GIF of Pavel learning new things.

Amsterdam&Emmen 24And this photo of me washing my hair. Cleanliness is next to godliness. And both are slightly lacking right now ๐Ÿ˜€

The first gig of our tour was really fun, the general consensus is that weโ€™re off to a good start, and the sun is still shining as we make our way back to ADM in Amsterdam, this time to actually play some music ๐Ÿ˜€

Shows played so far:
26.3. Emmen (nl) โ€“ Huize Spoorloos

Remaining shows:
27.3. Amsterdam (nl) -adm
28.3. Leeuwarden (nl) -the Morggue
29.3.Groningen (nl) -Pino Squat
30.3. Chemnitz (d) -Subway to Peter
31.3. Wroclaw (pl) โ€“ Klub Muzyczny Alive
1.4. Czerwionka (pl) โ€“ Stara Piwnica
2.4. Tychy (pl) โ€“ Kloster pub
4.4. Grand Finale: Ljubljana (slo) โ€“ Dub Lab

Raggalution in Amsterdam & Emmen 25.-27.3.2016

